Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Horsemen...

I am a fan of Dennis Quaid. We have matched many of his films including, Vantage Point (2007), The Day After Tomorrow (2004), The Flight of the Phoenix (2004), Cold Creek Manor (2003), Frequency (2000), and Switchback (1997). I highlighted Frequency because it was my favorite Quaid movie! This movie also has Jim Caviezel in it and he is one of my very favorite actors. Quaid is coming out with the movie The Horsemen, it is set to have a limited release on March 13, 2009. This movie looks really intriguing. It has biblical themes in the fact it deals with the horsemen of the Apocalypse from the book of Revelations. The trailer below is intense and looks very good. Because Quaid is in it, I feel comfortable that it will be a well made movie. Check out the trailer and look for this thriller coming to theaters in March.

Already reeling from the shocking death of his wife, detective Aidan Breslin (Dennis Quaid) is destined for even darker days when he's tasked with investigating a series of grisly serial murders inspired by biblical prophecy. This chilling psychological thriller from director Jonas Åkerlund also stars Ziyi Zhang, Clifton Collins Jr., Peter Stormare, Patrick Fugit, Lou Taylor Pucci and Eric Balfour.

Dennis Quaid as Aidan Breslin, a widower detective trying to solve the "Horsemen" case[2]
Ziyi Zhang[2] as Kristen
Clifton Collins, Jr.[3] as Stingray
Peter Stormare as Mr. Spitz
Eric Balfour as Taylor
Patrick Fugit as Cory
Chelcie Ross as Krupa
Lou Taylor Pucci as Alex Breslin
Liam James as Sean Breslin
Deborah Odell as Ms. Bradshaw

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Shining... Scenes of Winter at my Home...

One of my favorite movies of all time. The winter scenes are chilling as well as the pure horror of this film. Basically "locked" up in a creepy hotel for the winter, Jack Nicholson's character goes nuts and tries to kill his family. This is from a Stephen King novel of the same name. What a great movie! Scatman Crothers is also in this movie, although his screen time is limited.

This picture of Jack is how we have felt over the past several weeks. It has been bitterly cold ... below zero mostly at night, but it has been well below zero on several mornings during this cold stretch. I've noticed that if you don't really do any winter sports or activities, then you are pretty much stuck in the house. I for one hate winter and can't imagine skiing or snowmobiling or even ice fishing. Why on earth would you want to put yourself in the bitter cold for "fun?" I am not in the majority on this one, because thousands of people in New Hampshire love the winter activities. We get a lot of people from Massachusetts coming up for the skiing as well. At least it's good for the economy!

This picture was from a few weeks ago in the post Dead of Winter. I was supposed to go up on my roof today and shovel off some of the snow. However, this morning I went to get fitted for my glasses with Tina and Molli going with me to help me pick a pair out. That went well and in about a week, I will have my bifocals! Yea!!! Old man glasses! Can't wait really, because wearing "reading" glasses all the time is not a good thing, especially if you try to look at a distance with them. After the glasses thing, we went to the supermarket and got some food. By the time we got home, I didn't feel like going on the roof. I have no choice... I have to do it Sunday! You really don't want a lot of snow sitting on your roof in a trailer... not a good idea.

This picture was taken a few days ago... much more snow. The winter really hasn't been as bad as last year though. We have had several sub-zero days over the past few weeks and it looks like we might get a break from that for a while. However, they are talking about more snow this week. The news just came on and they said we should get 6-12 inches on Wednesday. I'm really looking forward to moving to North Carolina in the next couple of years. Molli is now talking about going to college near Charlotte, NC. Tina and I are looking at several of the small towns around Lake Norman. Obviously, I can't afford a place on the lake, but who knows.
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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Horror Icons...

I was thinking about my book today because I received an email from a literary agency wanting me to send them a copy of my book. I had emailed three agents to see if I could generate interest in my book and pursue getting it published. I have heard from two agents, one had no interest and the other wants a copy of my book. I have yet to hear from the third agent. I sent a copy of my book to the one who requested it and in their original reply they had three questions... Q1) Think like a publisher/buyer? Pitch me/them. Who would buy this book? Why would they buy it? If you give seminars or talks, mention it here. Q2) How long have you been writing, and what are your goals as a writer? Q3) Do you consider your writing 'ready-to-go', or do you think it needs some polishing? If you have been through a formal editing process, please describe it in detail, i.e.. Name/company of editor(s) etc. I answered these questions to the best of my ability. However, it got me thinking about what sets my book apart from anything today in the vampire genre. Without giving too much detail, I believe that part of the difference is my vampire is a traditional vampire. In the vein of Dracula... fear of the cross, must rest in the daytime/fear of sunlight, garlic, and etc. In today's movie/book market, there is so much emphasis placed on changing what a vampire truly is. I guess because some people have run out of interesting vampire stories that they have to give their vampire "unique" powers. The ONLY vampire to really pull this off was the Blade series. Wesley Snipes portrayal of the Blade character was great. The story was interesting and the special effects were effective.

Which brings me back to my original thought, which was, "What sets my book apart from the rest of the pack?" The answer is simple, yet involved. The short answer is because he is a traditional vampire. The long answer, you will have to wait for because the book is not published.

It also had me thinking about what makes a true horror icon? Realize that Bram Stoker wrote Dracula in the late 1800's, and yet we are still talking about him to this day. Longevity doesn't make him an icon; originality, fear of him, interest in the story and genre, well written and great story line, and the attraction of his persona make Dracula an icon. Bela Lugosi was said to have been a difficult actor to work with... I don't know about that. However, what I do know is that he set our expectations of what a vampire should be. He had a charisma about him that attracted you to the character, yet you were also afraid of him. The whole good verses evil scenario in which we pray that good overcomes the evil, but we're not sure that it will. That's a whole discussion in its own... The movie Dracula began a 40 year fascination of the genre for me.

Another icon is Pinhead. I saw a website called "" and they had a list of their top ten horror icons of all time. Dracula was #1 and Pinhead was #10. In my opinion, he could have been much higher, but that's just my opinion. If you click on the title of this post it will send you to the top ten list and you can see it for yourself. When the movie Hellraiser came out in the 80's, it created a stir because of it's originality and outright horror/gore. Clive Barker brought us one of the most terrifying horror characters of all time. Pure, unadulterated evil. A demon from the pit of hell who loves to bring pain and suffering as if it was some kind of pleasurable experience. As you can tell by my blog, Pinhead is my favorite horror character. I love his originality. In all 8 of the Hellraiser movies, Pinhead does not have the majority of the screen time, yet he has become the franchises center piece. One of my favorite clips from any of the movies is the one below. It highlights just how evil Pinhead is. It is sacrilegious in nature because it takes place in a church, but it also highlights how much organized religion plays in the good verses evil thing. In all horror, there must be a way for good to overcome evil. With vampires, it's a stake in the heart, sunlight, and a few others. With Pinhead, he can be sent back to hell through the toy box. In our minds, we want good to overcome, but we enjoy the fear of evil and wondering if it will win. That's what makes a good horror movie and icon.

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans...

I was talking to my stepson Matt about this movie last night because the trailer came on and he was very interested in seeing it. We decided to have a "boys" night out when it is released January 23. I have really enjoyed the Underworld movies and I believe this one will be just as good whether Kate Beckinsale has the lead or not. I've read that she didn't film any new footage. They say that they're going to use footage from one of the first two movies to show her in this one. To me, the story is the star and not the actors so much. As the description below states, this movie will be a prequel... in other words, it will show us how all the hate between the vampires and the Lycans began. This is one of those type of stories that really can be the best of the three films. Learning how the The Lycans battled the vampires to free themselves from the vampires enslavement has so much potential. This ought to be good... Check out the trailer below and look at your local listings for the release of this movie on the 23rd!

A prequel to the first two Underworld films, this fantasy explains the origins of the feud between the Vampires and the Lycans. Aided by his secret love, Sonja (Rhona Mitra), courageous Lucian (Michael Sheen) leads the Lycans in battle against brutal Vampire king Viktor (Bill Nighy). Determined to break the king's enslavement of his people, Lucian faces off against the Death Dealer army in a bid for Lycan independence.

Michael Sheen as Lucian (Enslaved as a baby, Lucian has only been able to imagine the full extent of his Lycan powers. In the evolution from werewolf to Lycan, Lucian feels the responsibility of the Lycan race resting on his shoulders. At the same time, his love for the vampire, Sonja, complicates his desire for freedom from the Vampires.)
Rhona Mitra as Sonja (Sonja is the daughter of the powerful Vampire Elder, Viktor. Beautiful and brave, her nightly patrols defend the Coven from the hoards of ferocious werewolves. Despite her father's hatred for the Lycan race, she has fallen in love with the Lycan slave, Lucian. She battles between the desire to fulfill the responsibilities that come with her lineage and her willful nature. Because of her love for Lucian, she is sympathetic to the enslaved Lycans' plight.)
Bill Nighy as Viktor (One of three ruling Vampire Elders, Viktor is a haughty, ostentatious Vampire overlord nearly 1,000 years old. Like most Vampires, he has a severe loathing for Lycans but also a fascination with their unique strengths. Through slavery and torture, he has created a small but mighty force of enslaved Lycans. Despite his best efforts to govern the Coven, the Council members have begun to question his leadership.)

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Monday, January 19, 2009

Saw V...

Saw V comes out on DVD Tuesday... we saw this in the theater last October when it was first released. The Saw movies have really been one of my favorite series of movies to come out in some time. It is obvious that I'm a Hellraiser fan with all the Pinhead images on my blog. I have seen all 8 Hellraiser movies, only because of my love for the Pinhead character. I think he epitomizes what a horror character should be... OK, I digressed. Jigsaw is the serial killer in the Saw movies. However, unlike Pinhead, Jigsaw does his killing as if he is a weapon of God's judgement. It has always been a very fascinating series because there are usually many twist throughout each movie and many of them trying up loose ends in an earlier Saw movie. Saw V is no exception. There are many things that tie up some loose ends from many of the earlier Saw movies and many of the deaths from the first couple of Saws. Saw IV was probably the weakest one IMO, but it was still an entertaining movie for me. I think it tried to put too much information in it that seemed to confuse more than clarify. Check out the trailer below and look for this DVD where you rent DVDs... good movie!

My NetFlix Review...We don't go to the theater to see a movie very often, but my wife and I love the Saw series. I was disappointed in Saw IV, but this one was better in my mind. Not as good as Saw and Saw II, but it did answer a lot of questions from the other four. Basically takes parts from all the Saw movies and shows why and how several of these people came to the "game." The in-screen flashbacks at times can be confusing and there are many of them. There were about four "torture" scenes and all were interesting, but not great. I did appreciate the flashbacks because it brought Tobin Bell to the screen often, even though he died in Saw III. The acting was acceptable and the story was pretty good. It left the door wide open for Saw VI. All in all, it was worth a watch. 4 stars. 10/25/08
61 out of 73 people found this review helpful

Description of Saw V...
When Hoffman (Costas Mandylor) learns that his secret connection to Jigsaw (Tobin Bell) will be exposed, the forensics detective embarks on a hunt to eradicate everything that links him to the serial killer in the fifth installment of the grisly horror series. Jigsaw's legacy of torturous traps lives on and director David Hackl remains at the helm in this gruesome continuation of the franchise. Julie Benz and Scott Patterson co-star.

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Random Notes of Interest... to me...

Here is my NetFlix review of this movie that we saw a week or so ago...
I have never been a big fan of PG-13 horror. I have come to appreciate a few of them, but not too many. I went with my wife and about 7 friends to see this one in the theater this past Friday. I was the only one who really liked it. Every one of my friends thought it was going to be better. PG-13 horror movies must rely on tension, fear, and creepiness in order to satisfy horror buffs. It must also be well acted and well written. The Unborn was a very well acted and well written movie. The story was very interesting and I felt it kept your interest throughout. A young girl begins to have visions and nightmares that scare her to the point that she must find out their meaning. She finds out she was a twin with her brother dying in the womb. Demons, ghosts, and creepy moments throughout. Good movie, but I would wait for the DVD release. 4 stars. 1/12/09

Still smoke free since January 8... check out the Quit Smoking Counter to the right for all the interesting details of what that really means to me!

In an effort to get my book off the ground and published, I've started an agent search. I sent a synopsis and the first 5 or 6 pages to an agent in New York City. A few years ago, I did a ton of research on agents and the conclusion was that NY City was the place to start. There are several agents I will contact, but if that doesn't produce fruit I will find a publisher on my own. The lady that wrote the Twilight series sent her requests to 15 publishers before 1 accepted. It is a long process, but it is worth it if you are successful. I don't plan on giving up either way. There is always self-publishing. It is a little costly, but Tina and I know a lady from our area that went that route and it worked out well for her. She started with local and area bookstores and now has a contract with Borders to have her book in their stores. So it does pay to be persistent! I will as always keep you updated on where I am with my book. I'm in the process of trademarking the title. Copyright laws protect the book itself, but I want to own the title as well. It is a cut-throat business (book publishing), so you have to look out for #1.

The past several days has seen temperatures below ZERO!!!! Thank God I work indoors. I can't imagine having a job like a delivery person, construction worker, police officer, etc. Having to be in and out of this type of cold is not healthy. You know it is bitter cold when the snot in your nose freezes when you first go outside. It is a very weird feeling and if you haven't ever experienced it, you have no idea just how strange it feels. Just taking out the trash at my store is a chore. Being in this type of cold can give you frost bite on your face and ears so quickly. The weather is supposed to be warmer next week... nearing 50 degrees... crazy weather.

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

TFAV Update...

My FAVORITE two vampires of all time!!! Dracula and the great Barnabus Collins from Dark Shadows!

Hi Frank
I’ve just finished reading your novel; I started reading at noon and “couldn’t put it down.” Nice work. It’s changed for the better... Other than that, I loved it and it’s so much better than before. Nice work with the characters. Are you going to try to sell and publish? I hope so. You never know. Prof D

This is an email I received from Prof. D., yesterday. It was edited in the middle of his email because he had a question about the ending and I don't want that revealed at this time. I replied to his email with the utmost appreciation! I met Prof. D, about 5 years ago when Tina was taking classes at a Tech near our home. Prof. D., teaches many writing and English classes at the Tech and at St. Anselm's near Manchester, NH. He has been so supportive throughout this 5 year endeavor. I remember going to see him and asking him about my dream of writing a traditional vampire novel. I gave him all my ideas about what I envision my book being about and how it is very different than any other vampire book out there. At that time I had ideas for 3 books. Now, I have at least 2 book ideas, 1 book in a completed rough draft, and 1 book that only needs editing. I'm so humbled and thankful by the time and support that Prof. D., has given me... I could have NEVER afforded to pay someone to put this much time and effort into my project. I am so grateful for his help! I will keep you updated as it looks like it is time to get this book published! Not an easy task by any stretch of the imagination! I have done a lot of research into all that is involved in getting a book to a book store and it is a very difficult process for a beginner. I will put all my energy into getting it done though...

TFAV is an acronym for the title of the book. I'm in the process of trademarking the name, so until that is completed, I will not post it at this time. 1630 is the dateline this all begins. I will post more as soon as I can!

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Dead Of Winter...

We watched this movie just before Christmas. It was good, but not great. I was unable to find a trailer for it anywhere! Any way, a description of the movie is below as well as my NetFlix review of the movie.

A few thoughts... we are having Arctic cold the next several days. Below zero for a couple of nights and single digits during the day. I HATE winter. Molli (step-daughter) took some pictures of the front of our home yesterday so I could post them on my blog. We have a lot of snow already, with more coming this week. Great for skiers and snowmobilers, but not for us "winter haters!"Too much snow for my taste already, and winter has just begun for us in New Hampshire. Yes, it is close to the dead of winter for us, but you can check out this movie on DVD for some interesting creepiness and some cold, cold fear.

After somebody slips them some LSD at a New Year's Eve party, Kevin (Al Santos) and Tiffany (Sandra McCoy) get into a car accident on their way home and end up stranded in the middle of the dark woods -- and their acid-fueled hallucinations aren't helping matters. Things get worse when their imagined stalkers might be real. Brian McNamara directs this chilling horror story that also stars Carl Nasland.

My NetFlix Review...
I liked all the tension and creepiness to this movie. A young couple leave a New Years Eve Party after a "friend" slips LSD in their drinks. That's when the true horror begins. Is it hallucinations, or are their fears real??? Acceptable acting and interesting story make for an entertaining movie. All the way through the movie the tension between the couple builds because of the cold and the drugs. Neither knows why they are confused and so paranoid. Lost in the woods and trying to find shelter, the young couple try to stay alive. Several twist make this a good movie, not great, but worth a watch in my book. 3 stars. 12/20/08
16 out of 18 people found this review helpful.

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Friday, January 9, 2009

Hypocrisy... and random rants...

I quit smoking yesterday... I haven't had a cigarette for 24 hours. Tina and I both are using the patch to kick the habit. To be honest, the first smoke free day wasn't too bad. I'm not a fanatic now and preaching the "evils" of smoking, but I can tell you that when I first wake up there are two things that come quickly to mind... need a cigarette and have to go to the bathroom. I usually cough a lot first thing in the morning because all the mucus crap settles in your chest over night. I'm looking forward to the day when that goes away! Smoking is not only a habit, but a very strong addiction. The patch seems to cut the cravings down to nothing. It's a process, about 8 to 10 weeks of slowly stepping down from the patch. It annoys me to see all the dirty looks smokers get. People have choices, but nearly everyone has one vice or another. Whether it's smoking, drinking, shopping, drugs, exercising to excess, TV, music, movies, eating or not eating, religion... everyone has something that they obsess about.

For good or not, everyone has a vice or crutch that they have to have in their lives. I put my FAVORITE "hypocritical" video (Drowning Pool's, Let The Bodies Hit The Floor)at the end of this post. Televangelist make me so angry. It's all about money... don't kid yourself. They don't have a monopoly of God's gifts. their obsession is money and fame. Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Oral Roberts, Ted Haddard... you get my point, it's a show! Too many people use religion as a vehicle of hate... just look at India, Pakistan, and the Middle East... killing in the name of God. Let's just burn all the witches at the stake... how about that "Holy" Roman Empire!?!?!?! Mmmm, maybe I do need a cigarette! Just kidding, It just bothers me to no end that people turn their nose up at others, but the skeletons in their closet would ruin them! I wish we all wore signs on our backs that showed our deepest, darkest secrets... OK, maybe that is a bad idea! Just a few of my random rants to help me not think about cigarettes! Check out the healthy lung and the smoker's diseased lung... Damn, if that doesn't make you want to quit, nothing will. Well, another day... I guess this can be my "The horrors of smoking and hypocrisy" blog post. Check out the video below as well... EXCELLENT!!!

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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Autopsy (Horrorfest 09)...

This is one of the best trailers I've seen! This movie looks intense. I know you can't judge a movie solely based on the trailer (really bad idea!), but this one has so much promise. Another After Dark Horrorfest movie hitting theaters tomorrow. I was thinking that the movie reminds me a lot of another movie called Room 6 which was a fairly decent movie. Same type of plot, but time will tell if Autopsy can pull it off and be a really good movie. I really want to see this one! Robert Patrick (pictured below) is in this movie and plays the doctor. He is of Terminator 2 fame. Good actor, so that only fuels the flames of my anticipation! Check out the trailer below and look for it in theaters or wait for the DVD release in a few months... either way, this looks like a movie you will want to see!

The film is about a group of friends that go to a punk concert. One of them is hit over the head with a bottle. Before his girlfriend can call for help, a 1950's ambulance arrives. They are taken to a strange hospital where the injured friend is. The plot centers on their search for their friend in the old hospital where inhumane experiments are being done on the living patients. The tag line, "Autopsy; Not just for the dead anymore" pretty much sums it up.

Robert Patrick
Jenette Goldstein
Michael Bowen
Robert LaSardo
Ross McCall
Jessica Lowndes
Ashley Schneider
Joe Reegan
Ross Kohn
Eric F. Adams

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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Alphabet Killer...

This movie was released on DVD this past Tuesday. We watched it tonight and I have to say we both really liked it. It is well written, acted and a very interesting story line. A teaser for the plot is below. However, I can tell you that this movie will keep you guessing all the way through. Tension, other world visions, and many twist keep you wondering "who did it?" It is a thriller, but the subject matter is very disturbing. Tastefully done, without too much graphic detail, but unnerving at times. The director directed Wrong Turn and the lead actress was also in that movie. I loved Wrong Turn! I highly recommend this movie to all who like a creepy thriller that verges on being horror! check out the trailer below and hit your Netflix Q or go to the video store and get this movie!

The Alphabet Killer is a 2008 thriller film loosely based on the Alphabet murders that took place in Rochester, New York between 1971 and 1973. Eliza Dushku stars as the main character, alongside Cary Elwes, Michael Ironside, Bill Moseley and Timothy Hutton. The film is directed by Rob Schmidt, director of Wrong Turn, and written by Tom Malloy
Megan Paige (Eliza Dushku) is an investigator for Rochester Police Department who is assigned to investigate the murder of a young girl named Carla Castillo, whose body is found in the nearby town of Churchville covered in cat hair. Against opposition of her colleagues and partner-boyfriend Kenneth Shine (Cary Elwes), Megan insists that the murder is a work of a serial killer. Despite Megan’s considerable efforts, she fails to catch the killer. Stress and obsession of the investigation causes Megan to hallucinate the victim's image. She ultimately has a nervous breakdown and tries to commit suicide.

Eliza Dushku as Megan Paige
Cary Elwes as Kenneth Shine
Timothy Hutton as Richard Ledge
Tom Malloy as Steven Harper
Michael Ironside as Nathan Norcoss
Carl Lumbly as Dr. Ellis Parks
Bill Moseley as Carl Tanner

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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Unborn...

I did a post on this movie in October, but I thought I would do another since Tina, Elise, Molli, and myself are going to see this one Friday night. The trailer has been all over the TV and it is quite creepy. I know this is a PG-13 (I usually hate PG-13 horror movies) movie, but if the tension, fear, and creepiness are as the trailer shows... then this should be a really good movie. I'm really excited about seeing this one in a theater. We don't go to the theater very often, in fact, the last movie we saw in a theater was Saw V in October. That one doesn't really count because we always go to the theater to see the Saw movies. You really need to check out the trailer for the movie The Unborn at the end of this post. It has the same creepy feel as The Omen. It really ought to be a good movie. I will let you know what I thought of it over the weekend.

The Unborn is a supernatural horror-thriller film written and directed by David S. Goyer which is slated for release in early 2009. The film stars Gary Oldman as a spiritual advisor to a young girl (Odette Yustman) who is tormented by the soul of her unborn twin brother (see Tetragametic chimerism). Her twin seeks to use her death as a gateway to physical existence. (This plot has been compared by many reviewers to the mummudrai plot device from New X-Men). [1][2] The film is produced by Michael Bay and Platinum Dunes.
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